ICUS XXII Program: Seoul, Korea, 2000

Committee 1: Symmetry in Its Various Aspects

This is a continuation from a committee at the last ICUS in which symmetry was discussed as it is found in math, astronomy, biology, music and several other fields. The fact that certain similar symmetries are found at wildly different scales are investigated and propositions for their existence put forward.


Committee 2: Holistic Medicine in Modern Health Care

Notwithstanding the incredible accomplishments of modern medicine in recent history, we find today the medical profession at a crossroads. Has modern medicine reached its limit, medically and financially? With billions of dollars being spent on health care today in the West, why is there such patient dissatisfaction? This committee will take a critical look at the alternatives offered by holistic medicine with experts and scholars from both the East and West.


Committee 3: The Threat of Epidemics

With the development of vaccines and antibiotics within the last century, the medical establishment may have become overly optimistic in its feeling of dominance over microbes. As we have now learned they pose a serious threat to human well-being. This committee will look at the demographic, social, and political threats of recent epidemics with particular attention to AIDS, Ebola, and other potential epidemic microorganisms.


Committee 4: Military and Police – Public or Private? Explorations in the Theory and History of Security Production

How should the security of the people be provided? This brings up one of mankind’s most fundamental problem: how best to protect life, property, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and create the conditions for a lasting peace. Since armies and police have not been very successful in the past and are likely to do even worse in the future, is there an alternative or supplement? This committee will clarify the issues and approach them from a unitary perspective.


Extra Session:


Committee 5: Non-linear Structures in Natural Sciences and Economics

A continuation from the last conference. In the hard science, life science and the social sciences, many phenomena cannot be described from a linear perspective, such as, oscillations, diffusive properties, entropy growth, and so on. We can state that in these areas the processes are non-linear and do not lend themselves to linear treatment. In particular, one of the main features of any self consistent non-linear dynamic is the formation of non-linear structures. We can see this in mechanics (solitons, vortices, strange attractors), chemistry (Belousov-Zhaboltinsky reactions), dynamics (earthquakes), biology, human history, and world economy. Many of their features seem to be universal. These discussions will be directed to their application in the social sciences.


Committee 6: Science and Music: A Unifying Concept

In the twentieth century various physicists, chemists, and biologists have looked for connections between the regularities in their fields and musical scores. In nature from elementary particles to galaxy clusters, including the specter of the elements, the structure of crystals and polymers, and biological and geological rhythm is made of waves, periodicities, vibrations and resonances. This committee will investigate the similarities and postulate the causes for them.


Closing Plenary: