Committee 1: Unifying Principles in Science
- Atalay, Bulent, Symmetry in Art and Culture
- Bauer, Mariano, Energy, The Essence of the Universe
- Delagado, Jose M.R., Pychobiology of Space and Time
- Elbek, Bent, The Evolution of the Concept of Energy
- Ellsaesser, Inge, The Creation and Breaking of Symmetries
- Fritzsch, Harald, Energy and Matter in the Early Universe
- Garcia-Colin, Leopoldo S., Entropy in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems
- Higatsberger, Michael J., The Genesis of the Concept of Entropy
- Jammer, Max, Theories of Space and Time
- Lowenhard, Percy, The Conscious Organism in Space and Time
- Marx, George, Irreversible Universe
- Motz, Lloyd, Symmetry and the Laws of Nature
- Pincheira, Guido V., Symmetry in the Biomolecules, Its Physiological Meaning
- Reck, Andrew J. Takatsuji, Masamoto, Entropy as a Unifying Concept
- Villee, Claude, Energy in Living Systems
Committee 2: The Value of Human Life
- Badham, Paul, Christian Belief and the Ethics of In-Vitro Fertilization and Abortion
- Davies, Christie, How People Argue about Abortion and Capital Punishment in Europe and America and Why
- Doughery, Jude, The Concept of Person in American Legal Theory
- Kittrie, Nicholas, The High Tech and the Wanted Life
- Kono, Shigemi, Summary of Birth Control and Value of Human Life
- Kryspin, Jan and Phillips, Heather, The Appropriate Medical Care of the Terminally Ill
- Kuhse, Helga and Singer, Peter, Hard Choices, Ethical Questions Raised by the Birth of Handicapped Infants
- Molinski, Waldemar, Moral Implications of the Manipulation of the Genetic Nature of Man
- Nagata, Katsutaro, Terminal Care in Japan
- Nowell-Smith, Patrick, The Right to Die
- Park, Choong Suh
- Sivaraksa, Sulak, The Value of Human Life in Buddhist Thought
- Van den Dungen, Peter, Justified Warfare and the Relative Value of Human Life
- Akos on Kuhse
- Brogger on Van den Dungan
- Butr-Indr on Sivaraksa
- Coughlan on Davies
- Flew on Dougherty
- Gaba on Badham
- Green on Sivaraksa
- Mori on Kuhse
- Rakic on Nowell-Smith
- Takahashi on Molinski
Committee 3: Towards Ecumenism in World Philosophy
- Balasubramanian, R., The Tradition of Advaita Vedanta
- Bolin, Nona R., Jacques Derrida, The Dominance of Unity
- Chappell, David W., T’ien-T’ai Buddhism and the Unity of Knowledge
- Crawford, Cromwell, The Liberation Philosophy of Ram Mohan Roy
- Hansen, Linda, Simone de Beauvoir, A Philosopher of Dialogue
- James, Gene G., John Dewey’s Philosophy of Creative Intelligence
- Kalupahana, David, Fusion of Fact and Value in Jamesean Pragmatism
- Kleiver, Lonnie, H. Richard Niebuhr’s Radical Montheism As a World Theology
- Lee, Sang Hun, Comments on the Papers from the Viewpoint of Unification Thought
- Lee, Sang Hun, The Rev. Moon’s Concept of New Cultural Revolution
- Rhi, Ki-Young, Hua-Yen Philosophy and Bodhisattva
- Shimmyo, Theodore T., Individuality and Relationship, A Unificationist View
- Smith, Huston, Philosophy, Theology and the Primordial Claim
Committee 4: The Relationship between Science and the Arts and Its Relevance for Social Transformation
- Barker, Eileen, Far from the Epicentre, Social Science and Dramatic Art
- Berger, Rene, Art and Its New Interface
- Charles, Daniel, Music VS Science, The Contemporary Quest for the Unity of Musical Time
- Galantay, Ervin Y., On Architecture and the Sciences
- Gerholm, Tor Ragnar, Science and Art, A Study in Cultural Plate Tectonics
- Hasselgreen, Ingmar, The Dream of China, The Sweedish East India Company (1731-1813) and Its Significance for Swedish Science, Art and Culture
- Hay, George, The Factionalization of Science Fiction
- Rahman, Abdur, Science and Culture, Indian Context
- Rubenstein, Richard L., The Intellectual Earthquake in Twentieth-Century Western Religion
- Shortland, Michael, The I in Science Literature
Committee 5: Problems of Third World Development: The Case of Africa
- Andreski, Stanislav, On the Relative Fitness of Democracy and Communism in Their Rivalry in the Third World
- Cosijn, G.P.A., Agricultural Development in Africa
- Effat, Rajia, The Problems of Women in Egypt
- Ghabbour, Samir I., Deserts in Africa
- Greenfield, Richard, The Refugee Crisis in Africa
- Ishumi, Abel G., Education in Developing Africa, An Assessment of Post-Independence Achievements and Problems
- Martin, Esmond B., The Illegal Trade of Rhinoceros Horn in Africa
- Mellanby, Kenneth, Protecting the African Environment
- Obeng, Letitia E., Water for Development in Africa
- Roy, Theo, Political Impediments to Development in Southern Africa
- Thompson, Joyce E., African Women, Thier Health and Their Future
- Wanekaya, Alice N., The Role of Adult Education as an Instrument for Development in Africa
Committee 6: Eastern Approaches to Knowledge and Values, with an Emphasis on “Qi”
- Bae, Jong Ho, View of Nature as Seen from Oriental Philosophy
- Flinn, Frank K., Techne and Qi
- Ikemi, Yujiro, The Concept of Ki in Oriental Medicine and Psychosomatic Medicine
- Jordens, Joseph T.F., The Human Psyche, Perspective from the East
- Lee, Hang Nyong, Ki Thoughts of the Orient
- Pei, Wu-Huan, The Qi Theory of China and Modern Science
- Ravindra, Ravi, Yoga and Knowledge
- Skolimowski, Henryk, The Mechanistic Clock and the Dancing Shiva
- Suzuki, Shuji, Qi and Wu Li
- A. Lagmay on Flinn
- de Silva on Ravindra
- Ellison on Jordens
- Honda on Ikemi
- Kabilsingh on Bae
- Kim on Pei
- Lagmay on Skolimowski
- Li on Suzuki
- Miyuki on Lee
- Takahashi on Ikemi
- Tibon on Lee
Committee 7: Global 2000 Revisited: Reassessing Man’s Impact on Spaceship Earth
- Brockelman, Warren, Forest Conservation in Tropical Asia, The Individual Dimension
- Cohen, Jerry J., Nuclear Waste Disposal, The Nature of the Problem
- Jovanovich, Jovan, Possible Replacement for Fossil Fuels and Comparative Environmental Aspects
- Khemani, L.T., The Role of Alkaline Paticulates on pH of Rain Water
- Lin, David Guande, Study of Changes of Paleo-Coastal Environment of Fujian (Southeast China) Caused by Sea-Level Variations
- Lin, Jingxing, et al, The Holocene Transgression, Foraminiferal Faunas and Sealevel Change in China
- Luckey, T. Don, Hormesis and Nurture with Ionizing Radiation
- Ludwig, Harvey, Affluence versus Effluents – Marine Water Pollution Control in the USA and in the Developing Countries
- Maxey, Margaret N., Managing Technological Risk, A Bioethical Inquiry
- Rosenquist, Ivan Th., Importance of Biogeochemical Processes and Weathering for Norwegian Streamwater Chemistry
- Schindler, D.W., The Damage to Lakes and Rivers from Acid Rain
- Singer, Max, Keynote Address, Alternative Perspectives on the Earth’s Prospects
- Totter, John R. Cancer, A Result of Incidental Exposures or of Senescence, or of Both